Member Bio

Grace Pate


Grace Pate is a Belizean who migrated with her family to the United States forty years ago. Grace has made Houston, Texas her home.

Grace’s thirty years of service in the travel industry afforded her the opportunity to work in Sales, Customer Service and Revenue Management with United Airlines. She retired in 2020 and has used her time in retirement to become actively engaged in outreach programs within her community and in the activities of her church. Also, in retirement, she has been travelling the world, gaining cherished experiences and appreciation for other cultures.

Her love for her birth country of Belize impels her to return on a regular basis to keep the bonds with her native country strong and see where she can make a difference. These very special visits with her dear family and friends have afforded Grace the opportunity to see where she can make a difference in the areas of education and health. Because of her commitment to the people of Belize, and in particular to our children, Grace is using her time in retirement to make a difference by becoming involved in entities that address the need to assist Belize in improving those areas in education. She is determined to make her contributions by using her knowledge of her country and her people as well as her past
experiences in the workplace.

Grace is hopeful that her service to Belize through Build Belize Inc. will be beneficial to all Belizeans.

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With a passionate commitment to creating a better future for our Belizean community, we rely on the support of generous individuals like you. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and build a thriving Belize for all.

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