
Meet Our Team Members

Sandhya Murphy
Raymond Gongora
Vice Chair
Jameli Bedran
Desiree D Young
Advisory Board Member
Rashad Tucker
Janine Coye Felson
Advisory Board Member
Lynn Young
Grace Pate
Kalia Brandon
Administrative Assistant

A Message From The Chair

It is a great honor to start my term as Chair of the Board of Directors of Build Belize Inc. It has always been a dream of mine to give back to my home – the place where I was born and raised, where I learned my values and my foundation was set in stone.

When I first started on this journey, I had one goal in mind – to help make Belize a better place for all through education, health, and service.  The pandemic has crippled our economy and brought poverty to crisis levels in Belize.

The disruption caused to education is without parallel and the effects on learning are severe. Not only are the most marginalized children and youth often disproportionately affected but our educators are overworked and burned out. It is now time to shift from crisis to recovery and truly deliver learning and well-being for our children and educators. Our “Donate to Educate” Campaign will facilitate this process but only with your commitment and support.

Mrs. Sandhya Murphy

Ambassador for Diaspora Relations

Due to the pandemic, mental health of the general population has deteriorated yet mental well-being remains a blind spot in our community. Despite its prevalence, mental health remains stigmatized in our culture and this, in fact, complicates the care and resources available to people. Marginalized and vulnerable populations are most deeply affected. There is a dire need to create awareness, counteract stereotypes, and promote acceptance.

Many donors have said that they remember what it felt like when someone had assisted them in their time of need.  They are now paying it forward. This is what service is about – engaging with the community, creating special bonds, and increasing social awareness and responsibility.  In this age of technology coupled with the pandemic, interpersonal relations are lost, and virtual realities have taken over.  The need for human connection is inherent yet we are living in a time that manages to keep us further apart.  Let’s remind ourselves and teach our children to reconnect and rediscover our basic interdependence, to do everything in our power to build and strengthen community rooted in local places.

The diaspora plays an extremely important role in our country.  Regardless of residence, Belizeans dah Belizeans.  Their commitment has always been strong, and they have always recognized the importance of participating generously in our communities. My goals as Ambassador for Diaspora Relations and that of the Board Chair of Build Belize Inc. are perfectly aligned. Facilitating, including, and supporting the diaspora further strengthens our spirit of oneness and community.

I am grateful to be surrounded by a wonderful board of directors that have a shared vison for empowerment and improvement for our people and a great love for our country. The board is actively engaged in overseeing our programs and value the idea of sustainability for our causes.

This country of ours, rich with culture and diversity, has given so much to so many. It is time that we give back.  I hope you will join us in investing in the future of our people and our country.

With gratitude,

Sandhya Murphy , Chair

Give for Growth

With a passionate commitment to creating a better future for our Belizean community, we rely on the support of generous individuals like you. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and build a thriving Belize for all.

Major Sponsors

Thank you for your continued support and commitment!